We are stronger as a tribe. The key to connection and healing is curiosity; Asking brave questions. This blog is for the seekers and truth-tellers.
Resenting The Happy Wanderer
How well do we really know what others are experiencing? Thoughts on comparing our insides to others’ outsides.
Dancing as a Way Into Courage, Connection, and Belonging.
You can use anything to build the character strengths you need to build for everything. This blog explores dance as a vehicle to building greater authenticity.
Let’s Be Friends, Imperfectly
Maintaining friendships becomes complicted, but do we further complicate it by expecting perfection from ourselves and our relationships?
Make Your Bed
Habits and routine might feel like quirks, but sometimes those little things are the big things in our day.
How Are You…Really?
Maybe it’s time to challenge ourselves to ask and respond a little differently to the standard greeting, “how are you?”
New Year, Who Dis?
With all the talk of New Year, New Me, maybe it’s time to explore who we already are.
Are you showing up in the world the way you want to? I asked myself this question and came up with 7 rules to live by. If you were to do this exercise what would your rules be?
New Year’s Revelations
Don’t let the turning of the calendar make you think you need to turn your life around. New beginnings are always possible! So celebrate with the you - old our new - that feels right to YOU!
Looking Back to Move Ahead
What childhood dream, hopes, habits, or traditions are you hoping to revisit, rebuild, or reestablish in the coming year? What is something that brought you joy, excitement, or hope as a child that you want revive or bring in for your future self? Our Vibe Guides reflect.
Life is a Journey - Pack Accordingly
As we reflect our our journey so far, it’s also an opportunity to choose what we carry forward into our next adventures.
The Long-View Mirror
As we move into a new year, we often look back. How can we look back in a way that can truly move us forward and support us in showing up in the new year in the way we want to?
Older, Wiser, Brighter: A Birthday Reflection for Anyone Who Needs It
On learning, growing and reflecting.
Regretfully Yours
One of the most common emotions that we seem to explore the least, is regret. 90% of people report severely regretting something in their lives. Let’s talk about it here.
What’s On The Menu?
In a world of constant busy-ness and overstimulation, create ways, big and small, to add opportunities for joy into your life!
Proving Ourselves Right
I don’t know what you’re looking for. But I do know that you will find it.
Tell Me Another Story
The stories we tell ourselves have far more impact on our lives than we imagine. This blog reflects on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s powerful TED talk entitled, “The Danger of a Single Story.”