We are stronger as a tribe. The key to connection and healing is curiosity; Asking brave questions. This blog is for the seekers and truth-tellers.
Rest in Retrograde:Thoughts on Begrudgingly Getting What I Needed
Sometimes plans fall apart. Sometimes life forces our hand and gives what we need, despite our protestations. This week’s post shares the story of a week gone wrong, and reflects on the risks of ignoring our bodies’ pleas for rest.
More Than Motivation
Why do we do the things we do and what drives us to pursue the next big thing? When motivation isn't as simple as it seems.
To an Olympian, from a Girl with Broad Shoulders
This summer’s Olympic Games have brought us strong female athletes who have shared impactful messages about women in sports. This week’s post highlights how one particular athlete touched the author, and is helping her and others to heal.
Quieting the Waterfall
It’s far too easy to get lost in the noise of your crashing thoughts. Take a moment today to quiet the noise and be exactly where you are.
The Resilience of Us: A Brief Contemplation
Resilience is the norm. What if we truly believed that?
A New Kind of PR
In a world where numbers are used to indicate our success, what would happen if whe we chose to redefine our personal best?
The Practice of Love
We tend to think of love as just a feeling. What if we thought of it as a practice? This blog discusses the impact of this shift in how we think about love.
When A Simple Apology… Isn’t
Thoughts on the complicated relationships between intention, impact, apologies and forgiveness.
The Five Ways to Say, “I’m Sorry.”
Maybe you have heard about the five languages of love, but have you also heard about the five apology languages? A sincere apology is challenging for many reasons but it is an essential skill for maintaining our relationships. This blog focuses on how we can enhance both the ability to give and receive apologies.
Closing Chapters, Revolving Doors
Thoughts on the way relationships shift as we move through the chapters of our lives.
In The Next Five Years, Want More.
This blog is an edited transcript of a speech given by co-owner, Bhavna Shyamalan, at a five-year anniversary celebration for Vibe Vault Fit.
On The Right Foot: Reflections From A Dance Recital
Wisdom often comes in small packages. This weekend, I found it in an unlikely place.
Invisible Labor
In todays highly visual world, it’s important to remember that sometimes the most valuable work cannot be seen.
Other People
The not-so-familiar meaning behind a familiar saying, and what it can teach us about reflections.
One Question that has Changed how I Approach Life.
The questions we ask ourselves can have a powerful influence on us. Here is one that has changed how I make choices in my life